About Trombofeet


This dietary supplement consists of a balanced, high-quality fraction of grape seed and aromatic plant substances.


Many horses are hampered by sore and hot feet, often due to tension between the hoof bone and the hoof itself. Various factors can cause this tension: bad shoeing, hard ground, stress, physical effort and/or unsuitable feed. This leads to poor circulation, swelling, limping and hoof pain. The innovative dietary supplement Trombofeet brings relief by reducing the tension in the hoof, while also supporting the hoof mechanism.



No side effects were observed given its gentle, natural ingredients. This formulation has been extensively tested over the past 10 years with no side effects. Please note: in case of severe hoof problems, you should consult your blacksmith or veterinarian without delay.


Please keep in mind that nutrition, work intensity, surface and shoeing can put stress on the hooves. The horse’s groom can take the hoof’s temperature; this should not exceed 25°C.


A schedule has been put together based on a study: administer a paste by mouth twice a day for about  five days. When environmental conditions are permanent, the treatment can be extended to one month in exceptional cases. A dose of 5 ml per 100 kg of body weight is sufficient.


Trombofeet is also used to aid sports performance. The recommendation is to start administering the supplement with a dose on the eve of the event and then a dose every morning before competing. Administer the supplement at least 5 hours before the competition.


Horse with trombofeet

Composition Trombofeet